Merge - Specific range
Pavel Jirak
2014-10-08 08:32:01 UTC
TortoiseSVN 1.8.8, Build 25755 - 64 Bit , 2014/08/10 14:44:06

I found unexpected behaviour at my svn repository.

I do:
1.I merge dev to trunk version (no matter which version is merged from/to)
2. Merge type - Merge a range of revisions
3. Merge revision range dialog
Select "specific range" and click to "Show log" button
4. After load new window with revisions, there is message "Invalid revision passed to Log()". Then I must click to "Show all" button (at bottom left).
5. After show dialog "Revision Range". There is checked radio Revision and in input there is value "-5".
6. Then I must check HEAD revision radio and OK. Then revision log is again reloaded and I see revisions.

Is step 4 bug?

I expected in step 4 show all revisions (or any range).


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